Club Secretary - Garreth
Riding a bike is one of the best things in the world - a fantastic way to stay fit and healthy as well as enjoy the lovely countryside we have around us in Barnsley.
For me, cycling also helps keep me sane and happy, a chance to get away from the stresses and strains of work and everyday life for a few precious hours!
And a big part of that enjoyment is the chance to ride with friends and club mates in BRC. As club secretary, I want to make sure that our members have all the information they need to take part in club activities and feel involved in the life of the club.
As the Club Welfare Officer, I am also responsible for making sure that we run a safe and inclusive club, with properly trained coaches and ride leaders as well as a person to speak to if you feel anything is wrong.
Get in touch if you want to know anything at all about BRC and, most importantly, get out on your bike!