BRC Junior Cycling Club
Spring Training at Horizon Community College Front Car Park from 9:30 on Saturdays. For more info use our Contact Page, or post a message on the clubs Facebook Page:
Do you remember riding around in the back garden, splashing through puddles in the park or tearing around a local pump track?
I'm sure you will agree cycling is an essential part of growing up!
We offer children and young people that fun in an organised session, with British Cycling qualified coaches.
We run two groups that are aimed not at age but ability:
'Go' group is about children and young people just getting going- they may lack skill or confidence, they may be younger aged in the infants category of schooling.
'Progress' group is for those ready to progress onto more challenging techniques and speeds. Typically this will be children in the juniors and secondary school age, but can include younger, confident and stronger riders.
You are always welcome to join us for free for your first session to see if your child enjoys what we have to offer. Parents must be in attendance at all times, and must complete this form in advance of the first session your child partakes in: Parental Consent Form. All you or your children need to participate is a safe working bicycle (mechanically and structurally sound), appropriate clothing, and a Helmet (absolutely no riding without one ! )
All our coaches are BC qualified, DBS checked and trained to work with children. If you have any questions or need information on safeguarding and similar issues please contact our welfare officer
With the council's support we coach in various parks around the Barnsley area- so look out for where we are this week on our facebook page or contact us on our website.

Additional links and resources
The British Cycling website has a large amount of information on Go-Ride with some useful information for parents
Please find information about progressing to club rides and joining the main club.
Resources for coaches
Register of attendance template
For any further details please contact us