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Member Representative - Phil

I've been into cycling since before BMX's were the new "latest thing", but my main love of road cycling started with Bernard Hinault and Greg Lemond battling it out in Le Tour 86, follow this up with the amazing 8 second victory '89 tour and the stylish "Z team" third win of the '90 tour and that cemented my love of cycling (And as a Lemond fan boy).

In the modern era I still watch every pro race I can.
More and more I also love watching cyclocross (not quite onto gravel yet), I was very proud to help marshal Barnsley Road Club's hosted Yorkshire Cyclocross race.

Being part of the road club means a lot to me, I'd love to see more people out with us.

I try to chat with most members, especially new ones - so please feel free to come and say hi!

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