Here are a few local events in August to consider.
August 8th, Saturday. Tickhill Velo Club 10 miles, O10/1 Hatfield Woodhouse,
closing date 28/07/2020, entry fee £11.
August 15th, Saturday, Sherwood CC 25 miles, A25/34 Nottingham area,
closing date 04/08/2020, entry fee £12.
August 29th, Saturday, Rutland CC 10 miles, O10/1 Hatfield Woodhouse,
closing date 18/08/2020, entry fee £12.
For any extra information such as Event Organiser`s address & phone number or how to enter see CTT`s website or handbook.
Please let George Miles know if you are racing in an event + date, also your results. It`s always interesting to hear how you have done.
Remember ....... STAY SAFE !