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V.T.T.A North Midlands Group 10mile TT

Last Saturday 18th May two Barnsley Road Club riders took part in the V.T.T.A. North Midlands Group 10 miles time trial. It was held on the `out and back` O10/1 course that runs between Hatfield Woodhouse and Blaxton along the A614.

Phill Tyas was the faster of the two, clocking a very good time on this not very fast course of 22min 01secs, ave spd 27.2mph.

The second rider was unknown to me, I just saw him coming towards me with the B.R.C. kit on, on his way to the start, sorry for not speaking, I will next time.

James (or is it Jim) Billard, riding a Road Bike, just by 29 seconds failed to beat the 20mph barrier. Clocking 30min 28secs. Summat to aim for now fella.

The winner, Andy Critchlow of Team Ohten Aveas, 19min 33secs, ave spd 30.7mph.

Good riding, good weather, good company, excellent organizing, what more could you ask for.

Sunday 19th May. Ravensthorpe C.C. `10`, course V??? .

Phill Tyas the only B.R.C. rider, he was a bit slower than Saturday with a 24min 09secs time on a harder course.

Winner, Oliver Rees, Holmfirth C.C., 20mins 59secs..

Thanks to George Miles for the Report

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